Why C/C++ is still alive From last 40 years ?

Short Brief

C is a general-purpose programming language developed in Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie. After it, C++ is born in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of C containing Classes. Since 1972 until now they have had some release versions. For example, the last release of C is C18 and C++20 for CPlusPlus. Who would think that they continue as an important programming language about 4 decades? Perhaps no one.

Some reasons

Nowadays, almost all programmer learn C or C++ as a fundamental skill. There are some reasons describing why they are still alive. I want to show some of the reasons here.
All top corporation compiler like Microsoft, Intel, IBM and others like GCC, LLVM Clang support C and C++. Supporting C & CPlusPlus helps communities and programmers to develop their product confidently by them. Because of this, they remain as an important language although new programming languages bring new facilities to us.
Speed & Footprint
According to some test results, C and C++ are between 3 top high-performance languages.
All Embedded engineers ought to develop their firmware based on C/C++. Because all compile of embedded systems designed based on Microprocessor just support C/C++. So you must know these languages.
Embedded OS
To develop an embedded system the number one choice of every programmer is C or C++. Because there are some acceptable Embedded-OS and RTOS based on them. For example, eCos, RTLinux, QNX, VxWorks, AUTOSAR, MicroC/OS are some of Top Embedded OS.
Since when C and C++ are born, there are a large number of libraries developing for various usages by corporation and individuals. Most of these libraries are Open-Source used by every person that needs.
Developing OS
Windows, Linux, Unix are developed based on C and C++.
Most popular DB like MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, etc are based on C/C++.

As a mother language

The C and CPlusPlus are very useful and powerful, so no one can ignore them. I can say that: "these two languages are irreplaceable". We can anticipate that they will be used for decades.


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