Automatic Weather Monitoring System using Arduino

As we already know that Arduino is very popular platform to design and develop small scale embedded systems.
We will take an example of implementing a Automatic Wireless Weather Monitoring System within 2500Rs [ :) ] in 15 days of time.

We have identified a low cost Arduino based open H/W where we can use the existing board designs.
While collecting the information related to the sensors, we came to know that the sensor manufacturers are providing software interface libraries and sample applications which can collect the data from the sensors. So we can avoid the cost and time for the interfacing of sensors,
The following is the sample code provided by sensor manufacturer .This code to reads data from the temperature and humidity sensors within 20 lines of code.
void setup()

void loop()
  Serial.print("Humidity(%RH): ");

  Serial.print("     Temperature(C): ");

  Serial.print("     Dewpoint(C): ");


Cost details:

1. Sensors:
Arduino H/W with free USB cable - 320Rs
Sensor Cost(temperature, humidity, pressure and rain) - within 200 RS
wind speed sensor  - 250Rs
Total : 770 Rs Hardware Cost :)
2. A zigbee module compatible with Arduino - 1300 Rs

Connecting wires - 200 Rs(Approx.)

Thats it... :)


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