Mapping Keys to vim to execute commands and scripts

Vim is powerful and light weight source code editor.

vim initialization settings can be done in .vimrc file.

For example if you add  the following vim commands to the .vimrc file.
vim will initialize with the following settings:

se nu
se hlsearch
se incsearch
se cindent

One power full feature of .vimrc that i know is mapping of  keys to execute the commands
mentioned in .vimrc file.

Below is the .vimrc file  which  executes script and does multiple operations.

map Do./ "pa"k0i#pj0D:w:!rm -r -f ./ ./cmd.dop:w:e#:!rm -r -f ./.cmd_out:!source ./ > ./.cmd_out:r ./.cmd_out

Here Ctrl+M key is mapped to execute the script.


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