Linux Tools Development

When it comes to any application + middle-ware + device driver development, tools play very important role which saves time of development by making easy to develop and debug.
Source code editor(Vim, Emacs (OTP), Eclipse, Cscope and Ctags)

Glibc (GNU C library) [Development and maintenance ]
Debugger(application and kernel (gdb and kgdb))
Crash analyzer (kernel crash analyzer and application crash analyzer )
Memory leak detectors [combination of backtrace() system call with memory leak detector like boehmgc and leaktracer]
Designing an application which can insert debugging information.
In our future post we will discuss the useful features of above tools and how to develop them.
We will have source code walk through of tools (2, 3, 5 and 6).Information related to Tools mentioned in 2, 3 and 5,6,7 are very interesting and useful for a Linux Application and Driver developer.
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